I have been on & off a diet since I was 14! I have spent many years in frustration and obsession over the next best thing which always brought me back to the unhappy, upset, jealous, & "why me?!" thinking. If you are tired of the "quick fix" and are ready to make a long term change to choose YOU, well this course and community is it!
Paulina Zareba

The mindset program is a “BRILLIANT” creation designed by Dana Lee to truly change your relationship with food.
She was the 911 call I made to save myself. Truly an inspiration and motivator for me after just our FIRST call. Invest your time, money and well being in this self help journey. I did, and my life has forever changed.
Madeline Mulvaney

All of my life, I felt like no one understood me and no one cared. I was subjected to criticisms about my weight, my attitude, my hair, my “loudness”, my personality, just to name a few, and in public places. Once I started the mentorship, I began to realize that I never gave myself a chance to love, understand, respect, care, and appreciate myself.
Sindhu Nair

The work is real, the support is real, the community is real and the results are real.
Being a part of the MFM has been life changing and I don’t say that lightly. I’ve learned so much about myself and now that I took the time to know myself better I love myself more and I feel lighter and free. I’m so grateful for Dana and for all of the beautiful souls on this journey with me. We laugh, we cry, we inspire and we grow together.
Colleen Celmer

I was struggling with issues of self-worth, people pleasing, a scarcity mindset and just feeling like I didn't want to do life anymore. BUT, the universe had other plans for me, as it perfectly lined me up with Dana and her MindMit Mentorship course. It all began with a decluttering exercise that put me on a trajectory of healing as Dana and her program have literally helped build me back up block by block. The self-paced course, along with the group call sessions, and Dana's unique perspectives and coaching style are pure GOLD!! I have since launched my business, upgraded my mindset, and can proudly say I am worthy of it all.
Christina Navarro

You know how with every “diet” and every gym you are told bring a buddy. Having someone to go on the journey with you keeps motivated. That what Dana and the MindFit Mentorship is giving me. I am not alone. This curriculum is also teaching me how to be my own best friend. I feel like for the first time in years, everyday I am exactly where I’m supposed to be at that moment mentally, emotionally and physically.
Wendy Forte

Dana has an incredible spirit that creates a safe environment and room to grow. I had one on one’s with Dana. I was a little skeptical because I have done absolutely everything. I did not want to throw away money again because I never know if I am truly ”ready” but I want to believe that I am. Listen ladies, this is a gift… I made more advancement [with Dana in 3 months] than I did in 20 years of therapy!! I'm so grateful.
Christine Shor

When I started the mentorship program, I just wanted food freedom, to find that secret so I could lose weight. Instead, I found something SO MUCH more than that! I gained the ability to love and accept myself. I had to work hard, dig deep and be willing to chip away at all my walls and barriers to unearth ALL parts of me. This has allowed me to live my life more authentically and fully, and for that, I will forever be grateful.
Andrea Niese

I had been battling binge eating for 4 decades and now it's a thing of the past. I know without this program, I would be in the same rut as I had been for years, and doing the same shit over and over again with no sustainable results is frustrating. Mindset is where it is at, Dana has proven this over and over to me with her training and personal conversations. You need to do different, if you want different results. Is that the saying?? That is the truth!
Angela McIntyre

Working with Dana in this MindFit Mentorship program has been tremendously helpful and one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have struggled with the ‘yo yo’ weight loss/gain most of my life. Since working with Dana, I have completely changed my outlook, and the work has allowed me to look inside myself and see the real reason for my relationship with food.
Etta Orames

Dana talks about life and love and loss and healing YOURSELF from within. It doesn't matter how many die-ts you go on or reps you lift if you don't love yourself more than anyone on this planet, it's not going to happen for you. This program has taught me to LOVE myself and has given me a shit ton of genuine confidence - REGARDLESS OF THE # ON THE SCALE OR THE SIZE OF MY PANTS!
Robin Forman

I had the best time on a recent vacation feeling confident in who I am, including my body and mind. I hung out in my bathing suit all week (no cover ups) took lots of photos and finally took it all in. The all you can eat buffets were not an issue and I felt no guilt for my choices. I can’t say enough thanks to this program! I look forward to what the next year brings!
Cindy Sego

When I started Dana's program, I always suspected that something else was ruining my day besides not having control over my eating. Over time, I realized that other things in my life were dragging me down emotionally, and I was compensating with food. I have taken control of the madness in my everyday life and am able to recognize in advance where these crazy cravings come from and can counteract them. My new life story is half finished, it could be more complete, I'm excited to still be working on that.
Francoise Gobet

I have spent a LOT of money thru the years on diet plans plastic-like food programs and they would work for a couple weeks, but never addressed the mental eating issues, the why behind eating or the deep rooted issues behind food. That's where Dana and the program comes in. At MY pace I am listening to these modules and it gets me thinking and HEALING. I am looking at things a little differently. Dana has been here where we are at whatever juncture you are at and that's what makes it work. Take the leap! You wont regret it!
Kristyn Behnke

I answered the sirens call of wanting more in my life and I have NEVER regretted saying yes to this program. Since that first time I have participated in the MindFit Mentorship, I decided to do a couple more rounds and always discovered something new, peeling back another layer. Her program provides the blueprint for life changing work. The beauty of it is you can go as deep as you want or stay as shallow as you need to, circle back around and start all over again or jump in where you left off. You just have to say “YES!”
Crystal Kirby

Since working this program, I have had many aha's! I am now leaving food on the plate and really don't give food much thought also my rigid routine of exercise has changed and I tend to do what I feel like doing rather than rigid rituals that I had followed for years. Let me say that these ladies in this group are an exceptional group of women who I consider my dearest friends.
Heather Bleasdale

The MindFit Program helped me figure out that last 5% between food, exercise and weight loss that I had been struggling with for many years. Understanding what that missing link was has helped me be more accepting and healthier and more “fit”. Dana guides you through this process and teaches you how to use the tools and you come out of it stronger and more accepting of yourself.
Michelle Ahoy

I did not think Dana would tell me anything I didn’t already know, I mean, I’ve been working out with her for years! I decided to take the plunge and sign up for the mentorship program. Before this program, I was unsatisfied with my body and after just 4 months into the program I can’t believe I ever thought that way. It’s embarrasses me now to know that thought took up room in my brain.
Susan Mercer
A Book Was Written & Published as a Result of the MindFit Mentorship
Most women who come to me have overlapping addictions and afflictions. For one particular client she came to me to heal binge eating, and ended up finding peace and resolution with both her food addiction and secret sex addiction. This is her story.
Purchase on Amazon Here
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I Can Help You Create an Amazing Life!

MindFit Mentorship Program
This is your complete mind + body + spirit solution for feeling stuck, lost and angry at yourself that you KNOW what to do, but can't seem to follow through and DO IT. Using The RealFit Mindset Course framework, you'll attend weekly small group calls + receive an at-home fitness program that complements your mindset shifts over a 12 month engagement together. This program teaches you how to follow through and adhere to the habits that will change your life.