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Courageous Recovery Interview: Recovering from Food Addiction

food addiction guest on podcast Apr 01, 2022

Episode 104 - Interview with Dana Lee Chapman, the Diet Recovery Coach

Dana Lee often states, “I’m a Jersey girl” Born and raised in New Jersey, she takes great pride in helping women recovery mentally, emotionally, and physically after decades of dieting damage from the impacts of the “diet culture”.
She secretly struggled with disordered eating and exercise bulimia for nearly 20-years as a fitness professional, hoping her degree would give her some answers, before she decided on her own - once and for all - to stop trying so hard to lose weight and instead focus on self-acceptance and rebuilding self-esteem, regardless of what the scale said.
Her flagship “MindFit Mentorship” program facilitates the ability for her clients to reclaim their own happiness and freedom, to live life to the fullest on their own terms, and to break free from a culture that has you believing no matter what or who you are, it isn’t good enough.
Dana Less also dated someone for 6-years who had a successful business AND a serious heroin addiction. She lost him to suicide, but today she has tremendous peace around it and often tells other loved ones of someone with a drug addiction, “I know how you feel”.
It’s 2022 and women are feeling heavier than ever in both body and spirit with every attempt at diet and weight loss. Dana Lee is here to help you ignite hope, happiness, and freedom within yourself, along with providing answers on how to get out from under the damage of diet culture.
Be sure to check out her website and download her “25 Powerful Mindset Mantras to End Emotional Eating”
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