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RealFit Livestream Workouts

  • Livestream strength workouts 3x per week on zoom + access to replays:
    Mondays, Wednsesdays & Fridays at 12pm EST
    NYC Time Zone

  • Access to all the RealFit.TV ridiculously fun & fiercely effective workouts in entire library that began in 2012

  • Categories include: 
    RealFit Ride
    RealFit Good Vibes & Fun Flows
    RealFit Kick & Box
    RealFit Strength
    RealFit HIIT
    RealFit Mash Ups

  • Full Programs to Follow:

    RealFit Real Badass 6-Week Kickboxing
    RealFit Real Motivated 6-Week Spin Program
    RealFit Read Defined 6-Week Strength Program
    RealFit Real Lean 6-Week HIIT Program
    RealFit Real Fun 6-Week Step Program
    RealFit Real Easy 4-Week Beginner Program

  • Ability to cancel anytime